The Messenger Podcast with Samuel Colon
Welcome to the podcast that will introduce you to new perceptions of Reality. The concepts shared will come with real life stories and personal experience. We will be diving deep on all topics like; Finances, Family, Relationship, Marriage, Parenting, Career, Entrepreneurship, Physical Health, Mental Health, Bio Hacking, Spirituality, Science, and etc. We think that every episode will offer everyone something new they can learn and implement into their lives. You are "The Messenger" in Your Own Reality Creation, As Within so Without.
Remember... I AM you, YOU are ME, and WE ARE ONE.
The Messenger Podcast with Samuel Colon
The Ego, Learn to integrate the ego within your daily life. Ep:3
Episode 3: The Messenger Podcast- The Ego, Learn to integrate the ego within your daily life
“Is your Ego the enemy?”
Is our ego a gift? Is there such a thing as integrating the ego? The Messenger Podcast is going to dive in deep on how the ego is a big part of our lives. While also touching on the fact of how the ego helps make the person you are today. Additionally, The Messenger Podcast will talk about whether it is truly necessary to kill off the ego. Or are there real benefits of keeping that lovely ego around?