The Messenger Podcast with Samuel Colon
Welcome to the podcast that will introduce you to new perceptions of Reality. The concepts shared will come with real life stories and personal experience. We will be diving deep on all topics like; Finances, Family, Relationship, Marriage, Parenting, Career, Entrepreneurship, Physical Health, Mental Health, Bio Hacking, Spirituality, Science, and etc. We think that every episode will offer everyone something new they can learn and implement into their lives. You are "The Messenger" in Your Own Reality Creation, As Within so Without.
Remember... I AM you, YOU are ME, and WE ARE ONE.
The Messenger Podcast with Samuel Colon
How Intentional Living Will Shift Your Life- Ep. 7
Episode 7: The Messenger Podcast- Intentional Living Will Shift Your Life- Get Specific- Producer Edition
“If you’re not intentional on what it is that you are looking to create, then you’re not going to create what it is you want.”
This episode is part 2 to Episode 6, where The Messenger talked about your intentions, and how your intentions affect your reality. He also touched on why it’s hard for you to see and maintain your results.
This is a Producer Edition- where we bring in our producer B, to come on and bring his open and honest opinion to the table. While he channels the collective to dive in deeper to the topics and asks questions we’re all thinking.